Sunday, November 6, 2011

Column #4: "Chilean miners: Life’s tough above"

The inspiring Chilean miners who were saved last year on Oct.13 and watched on international television seem to be totally forgotten now.  Instead, many of the miners are currently unemployed and/or suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder.  Yet their amazing challenge to survive in the mines last year and now their new challenge to survive normal life can still inspire today.

The writer, Alejandro Escalona, makes it very clear that it's a shame that the public has forgotten about the Chilean miners.  Even though he criticizes his audience for it, at the same time he's also trying to urge us to remember and honor them again.  He emphasizes on how the event unified people around the world by saying "as you no doubt recall" and "I watched the rescue, as I'm sure you did."  He then appeals to sympathy by mentioning specific individuals, including Edison Pena who is now going through therapy for psychological trauma and alcohol and drug addiction. Escalona ends with an abrupt sentence, "Just like the rest of us," in order to stress how the miners are struggling to live just like the audience are and in them we can find inspiration.

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